Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Video Review: Wilson Titanium Face Mask

My first video review now on YouTube!!!

Yes, it is amateurish. Yes the video/audio is sub-par. However, the information is good and the video is adequate to give you a good look at the Wilson titanium (wta3009blti). A more complete review of the Wilson titanium can be found here.

Look for more video reviews in the future!


Pete Reiser said...

Alex, thanks for the comment. I look forward to making more video reviews in the future.


Anonymous said...

WARNING!!! Wilson currently dosen't make replacement pads that fit this mask.....I bought last season with the all-black pads that is an exclusive at ump-attire.com. The pads fadded and I wanted to replace this season...the stardard all black pads don't fit the mask, so I'm stuck using faded pads for another season and will have to get a entire new mask in a year or so unless wilson corrects this mistake. At the $$$ this mask costs, I was hoping to get 6-10 years out of it with only replacing the pads...Now who knows..