
Friday, April 8, 2011

Force Play Slide Rule

R1, no outs. Ground ball to F5 who throws to F4 at second for the force out. The throw is too late and R1 collides with F4. R1 does not slide.

This is a great video because it highlights the differences between the OBR rule and the force play slide rules in NFHS and NCAA. Under OBR, R1 did nothing wrong and is safe at 2B. Under NFHS and NCAA, R1 and the B/R are both out (double play) as a result of R1's failing to slide or avoid contact on a force play at 2B.


  1. If you'll notice, the reason U2 missed the play is because he had to duck. This is a classic case of an umpire assuming a play and finding himself in the line of fire.

  2. I will disagree that he should be call out under NCAA long as he did not roll or do a cross body slide, he can make contact at the base at 2nd..


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